Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am what you call "A house wife" ,"a stay at home mom"..I do'nt like these descriptions much,but I am living with it and do i like the situation that I am in...Ohh I love it.
I like doing things for my family..working for them..with them and sometimes just being there.
If you look at it is the same drab routine that goes on day after day after day.If you ask me today what I am doing next week the same time..without a thought I'll say the same thing I am doing right now.The big details are just the same,but it's the small ones that make all the difference.

The other day Adi ,my eight year old started crying cause he just could'nt beat someones score on an internet game(he does that a lot) mom beat the score..and seeing the smile on his face as he entered his name on top of the score sheet was sweet.

Going to pick up Aarush from his school is one road trip that I would'nt like to miss.Just seeing him cry as he runs into my arms is what i wait for everyday(he'll grow out of it soon I know).
His nonstop chatter of how "exam aunty"(that's what he calls his teacher) scolded him or how he beat a boy when the teacher was not looking(I have to tell him to stop that) make all the waiting worthwhile.

It's been going on for over nine years now...and I know it will go on for eternity..but just knowing that Arun can't find a needle in a pile of needles without yelling out for "munna "...kind of gives me the control...and I like been in control.

Just knowing that I am there when they need me keeps me going...and that's a job well done.

1 comment:

  1. yesterday, raj told me, babe, you are the sun, and we are the planets revolving around you. I know exactly what u are talking about- the only difference- are are such a balanced woman and u know what you want from life, and are happy... i am never satisfied with my present.
